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How on earth can you balance PA school and motherhood?

PA school will take over your entire life.

I was pretty much in denial of this fact when I entered school, but it is true. PA school sucks the literal life out of your life and you are left gasping for air on the bathroom floor.

My best advice is this…

Schedule time with your kids where you are just mom and then – and this is important – be fully engaged and do not think about any medicine at all.

No flashcards under the table at the restaurant. No mentally running through diseases at the park. No checking email. No apps. No panic texting friends. Even if it’s just an hour…make it a QUALITY hour with your kids.

If at all possible, TRY not to miss the big things.

Try not to miss the recital. That parent-teacher conference. Easter. (Disclaimer: I missed all of these things). Schedule, plan ahead. Plan study time around the big things if at all possible.

But listen….You Will Miss Stuff

I missed EASTER. Like the egg hunt and everything. I cried all the way to my friend’s apartment to stay overnight and pull an all-nighter and study for finals without stopping for six days.

Make These Minimalist Family Years

Guys…I get you are type A or you would not be here. But these are not the years for ballet and piano and soccer and hey let’s try ukulele lessons. No, stop. No extra stuff unless it is already well established or required for health and wellness. Daycare/preschool/school only. NO extracurriculars, no volunteering in the classroom, no bake sale. No crazy sock day, no Red Ribbon Week. Pajama day is okay.

Study When They Won’t Miss You

One trick that I learned was to get up two hours early. I tried to stay awake later but I was falling asleep at my kitche table.

Call in Support

Plan ahead. My glorious supportive mother came at finals time for most years.

Diane Wagner

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